
'IIS "Henrietta Usuelli Ruzza" Padua is a public high school that offers a modern vocational training in vocational and technical della Moda (IeFP-MP-ITI) and segments of the Chemical-Biological and Dental.

Since the new learning paths (Reform) will aim to: strengthen the basic education and the professions, create a new mindset willing to change the socio-productive, develop skills on the latest production technology, providing the foundations of a corporate culture , respect and value the diversity, the Institute has set up the organization of its activities and the provision of service to customers in the following ways:

- Autonomy and Experimentation

- Networks and Consortia

- National and international cooperation

- Wellness in school and youth entrepreneurship

- Culture and traditional culture of work with school-work projects

- Work in the classroom and internship, lectures and company visits (132 hours in the final two years of compulsory school-work)

- Technology and Creativity with professionalizing projects in extra-time (creative design and modeling)

The work, carried out in a school dynamic and attentive to the constant changes in society, especially now that the Institute offers various specializations, involves the use of various strategies and the implementation of individualized paths, calibrated according to the different cognitive styles and learning of individual pupils, with careful attention to student weak, unmotivated, foreign and differently abled (the school is home to Padova CTI). It is teaching methodologies, gained through years of research and experience, with emphasis on communicative approaches.

It is also consistent care of all faculty research and organizational learning modules to make it flexible and consistent with the demands of the training area activated, which are frequently confronted with the outside world in order to optimize the human and technological resources and facilitate the quality of the results . The school was the leader of the project "Competence", in a network with many institutions padovani for training teachers on new teaching-operative proposals in line with the European guidelines and the reform of school education.

The current design allows you to secure an education that focuses on:

- The implementation of didactic education integrated with professional training for the strengthening of the regional vocational curriculum (class 2 IeFP-Fashion)

- The activation of pathways to integration of persons with disabilities without the certification of compulsory education;

- Initiatives for continuing education with training and retraining programs for adults, structured according to the logic of "open classrooms," with the recognition of personal training history (Evening Courses AS)

- The creation of post-graduate courses and Training Higher Integrated, according to European standards, with recognition of credits on projects carried out in partnership between State Schools, Training Centres, Regions, Social Partners and University;

- ITS-COSMO: national project post-diploma "fashion system" in accordance with the State-Region-City-Confindustria-footwear-Polytechnic Industries and Associations local and national;

- The implementation of individual educational paths for students with Individualized Education Plan, for the achievement of the attestation of educational credit (article 13 of the Regulations of the New State Examination).

Under the "Fashion and Footwear" the traditional school laboratories and computerized soul of the production process, appear equally fundamental, as well as a library, a media library and documentation center teaching

Fashion, as always, you have to adapt to the needs of the market: the workshops were then designed so multifunctional, and structured as venues centers, which, taking advantage of the tradition, allow insiders to acquire a precise artistic manual before accessing the use of new technologies.

The new area of design Cad-Cam (two-dimensional and three-dimensional), in particular, involves the use of high-tech computer equipment, indispensable to the attainment of the objectives of representation forms in aspects of two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositional space, and simulated situations advanced business. The characteristics of the computer equipment can be modified according to the needs existing at the time of project implementation.

Conferences, meetings with entrepreneurs, company visits and internships from the third class are the most qualifying of the whole activity of professionalization. The meeting with production realities reference presents essential for the formation of the student who is preparing to meet with the world of work. The stage is therefore not an end in itself, but becomes part of the qualifying project of professionalization, drawn up by mutual agreement between the educational institution, the Education and the Region of Veneto.

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